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Office of Inclusive Excellence


The Office of Inclusive Excellence (OIE) supports the mission, values, academic endeavors, and strategic priorities of Saint Xavier University by empowering diversity, fostering partnerships, increasing access and enriching the learning, living and working environments for all in our SXU community.


Grounded in Catholic identity, mission, and heritage, Saint Xavier University is committed 服务于一个多元化的学习社区与我们的 core values. The University belongs to all in its community, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, abilities, age, sexual orientations, nationality, or immigration status. 教职员工和学生都致力于创造一种氛围 of purposeful inclusion by cultivating equity and providing opportunities for meaningful connections and service among diverse people, ideas, and perspectives, in search of truth and the common good.

The Sisters of Mercy, immigrants themselves, founded the school in 1846 to educate young women, and today's student body reflects the University's growing commitment 多样性和多元文化的传统. In 2014, the University became a federally-designated Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI). 多样性、公平和包容是圣泽维尔传统的核心 and enrich and strengthen our academic programs and learning environment, which prepare 让学生成为负责任的世界公民,并以慈悲的价值观生活.


Lunch and Learn

Faculty and staff are invited to participate in virtual DEI workshops covering different topics.

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Cookies and Convo

Each month, meet one of our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Faculty members and hear about their career pathway and work over cookies and conversation.

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Monthly DEI Trainings

Faculty and staff are invited to participate in virtual DEI trainings covering different topics.

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HSI Initiatives

Championing DEI 


The DEI CHAMPion award honors a faculty, staff or student who is actively passionate 如何在SXU的DEI领域产生影响.

Camila Marquez Headshot

Camila Marquez

本学期,包容性卓越办公室点名 卡米拉Márquez,学院发展协调员, SXU's DEI CHAMPion.
Camila makes inclusion an everyday reality and develops and drives inclusion forward via her professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, and DEI activities for students. 卡米拉的工作对SXU和办公室的文化产生了积极的影响 of Inclusive Excellence applauds her for creating an environment of equity, inclusion, and belonging for all.

DEI Faculty Research Spotlight

Cindy Grobmeier Headshot

Cindy Grobmeier

Investigating the Impact of "Checking-In" with First-Year Students to Foster Connection and Improve Retention

本研究调查了进行定期“签到”调查的影响 com -101:公共演讲基础的两个部分. These check-ins were designed to learn more about students' perceptions of their communication apprehension, provide an opportunity to ask questions, and assess student motivation, particularly as it relates to three elements of intrinsic motivation -- autonomy, competency, and relatedness, which have shown to increase student satisfaction and retention (Fortune et al., 2005; Lopez & Horn, 2020; Simons et al., 2004). These check-in surveys were administered to students online in order to provide a low-stakes opportunity to provide feedback that considered characteristics of high-context cultures, such as conflict 回避或不愿意打断或质疑权威.

This study first looked at the average student equity scores from COMM-101 courses taught by the instructor from the previous five years which revealed that first-generation Latine students were more likely to earn a C or D and were less likely than all Latine students to earn an A in the course, with Latino students accounting for most of the 成绩的差异,尤指a、d和f. Further analysis revealed that Latino 学生的失动力和不投入与主要的演讲作业相关 表现在他们不上课,不完成作业.

Results of using the check-in surveys revealed that the equity scores for Latino students in the two studied course sections significantly improved in terms of final grades -- As, Ds, and Fs. 来自拉丁裔学生的定性反馈表明了积极的看法 of the course and positive perceptions of their own learning, with student saying, "Overall I learned a lot more in this class than I expected before school started" and "Probably the only class this semester that I can actually say I developed new skills ... 说英语对我来说很难,但到了第二阶段就容易多了 end."


Every Voice Matters

Cydni Washington-Bolden Headshot

Cydni R. Washington-Bolden


很多人可能不知道的一件事是,就在我第一次见面的前两天 在SXU的学期开始时,我的父亲去世了.

尽管环境充满挑战,我还是选择继续读本科 按照原计划在SXU学习,不接受他的精神遗产 a gap year. 幸运的是,我觉得很自在,并开始相信这个过程 周围有一个支持我的校园社区,包括我的教授,导师和 fellow peers. 他们都在帮助我度过难关方面发挥了重要作用 period. 它不仅使我更加坚定了追求我的学术目标,而且使 我要充分利用我的大学生活.

Inclusion and a sense of belonging at SXU are personally important to me because they 在需要的时候建立一个更大的校园社区,建立在道德支持的基础上. We are all interconnected in our own ways, navigating life to the best of our abilities. The campus culture thrives on embracing diverse perspectives, celebrating cultural diversity, promoting genuine respect, and nurturing integrity as a universal common good. A premise of character should be valued more than the color of one's skin, transcending unconscious bias, class, religion, race, socioeconomic status, demographics, ethnic background, and privilege. 通过无条件的爱和以身作则,我们 为学习和成长树立一个宝贵的先例和机会. Ultimately, this 为一个更美好的世界创造希望——不仅仅是为学生、教师和工作人员 SXU but for all.

  • Media Communication Major
  • Double Minor in English and Writing
  • 2024年春季华人博彩论坛本科生
  • 2023年SXU学生伊利诺斯州林肯学院获奖者
  • Lambda Pi Eta大学分会成员
  • Member of the Emerging Scholars Program
  • Member of the SXU Honors Program
  • SXU学生媒体组织成员和学生研究员



My Story

Shavonn Nowlin Headshot

Shavonn Nowlin

Associate Director of Residence Life

What topics are you passionate about?

I have a passion for Leadership Development, Training and Recruitment, Inclusion and 平等,黑人妇女的健康和倡导.


Having worked in Higher Education for almost two decades, I unfortunately have felt 在我的职业生涯中“被排斥的刺痛”最多. Working with the majority of people who do not look like me in spaces and being a Black Woman with goals and aspirations 很难找到理解盟友关系并真正分享他们的经验的人 allyship in their work.

大多数时候,我遇到的人都没有意识到自己的特权 or position in those spaces. 当你倾诉心事的时候,有时是很困难的 那些不重视你,不重视你的工作,也不愿意花时间回报你的社区 into you. 如果我们想想DEIB派对的类比,这种刺痛通常感觉像是 被邀请参加聚会,但被告知不能分享你对音乐或 食物,没人会问你是否有食物过敏原,也没人会把你挡在舞池之外 and never being asked to dance.


Some of the obstacles I have faced entailed being in spaces with non-people of color 谁不明白成为一个空间中唯一被边缘化的人意味着什么. Then always feeling like I have to make those folks be comfortable with me instead of the other way around.


What has helped me to get where I am today is for sure my family who reminds me of the challenges that I have overcome. 我的学生每天都在提醒我 I matter to them and their journey and this continues to motivate me to fulfill my purpose. 我的导师,我从高中和大学就认识他们了 谁还花时间来关心我和我的发展. Also having folks who understand their privileges and Allyship in the terms of making space for marginalized 人们加入到他们有幸进入的空间中.

What advice would you give to current students, students entering the workforce soon or other professionals?

Advice I would give to current students, students entering the workforce soon or professionals would be to find your vibe tribe, the people who are going to hold you accountable, 积极听取你的意见,给你建议,帮助你前进. Do not be afraid 失败,只要你吸取教训,不再重蹈覆辙.



Meet the OIE Team